Monday, March 14, 2011

It is time to band together to fight CANCER... AGAIN!!

Hello Warriors, I am coming to you as we fight cancer again this year with our Army of Happiness. Each year Cancer preys on children, children who did nothing to bring on this fight and children who stand up and FIGHT THIS FIGHT!!! Warrior of Cancer raises money to send these children to Camp Sunshine. Camp Sunshine is a place where kids that are fighting cancer are able to be normal in a not so normal world. Kids are able to canoe, kayak, ride horses, climb rock walls and zip line... they are able to laugh, play, swim and be a child! THEY ARE ABLE TO FIGHT THIS BASTARD WITH HAPPINESS AND LOVE!!! You can make a difference... please make a donation... every little bit helps. Decide not to go out to dinner and take that $50 and give it to a child. Decide to take a week off from Starbucks and give that $25 to a child. Take that one round of golf and give that $75 to a child. Here and now YOU can make a difference!! HERE AND NOW YOU CAN CHANGE A LIFE!!! Be a Warrior with me and help stand up and Fight Cancer!!! WHOSE WITH ME!!!!!!

The ultimate goal is to send 2 cabins of kids, that is 10 boys and 10 girls to summer camp. To make that happen we need $20,000!!! We have a huge start from 4 great women out of Michigan and The Gornick Fund who have sent a check for $3000 to start us off. Only need to raise $17,000 more by June 15th!! We have 3 months to change 20 kid's lives!!!

*By joining my "Team," you can help me raise funds to send kids to camp.

Make a donation to the ARMY HERE
*This is where you can make a donation to Camp Sunshine

Thank you from the bottom of my heart...

To you, your family, and the children that I fight for everyday... I pledge to fight till I have no breathe left in me...


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